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NOT A TOY Campaign
Social Issue Campaign - Graphic Design II
"This course will challenge students to evaluate the role of design and visual communication in addressing social issues affecting our world. Designed to demonstrate how design can participate in the marketplace of ideas, as opposed to “just” the marketplace of things, this course will challenge students to explore how their work can create action and facilitate social change through problem-solving. The goal is for students to learn how to leverage visual analysis, synthesis, and conceptual thinking while implementing graphic design concepts in various media– 2D, 3D, and 4D. " - Class Outline from Margarita Barrios Ponce

The Design Process
Weeks 1 through 4
Below are the things that were produced and change throughout each week. This project was an entire semester. There were a few weeks before for ideation. The four weeks of production outlined below. Then several weeks after that dealt with creating the campaign book.
The campaign Book outlines the meaning behind this campaign, below outlines my production process visually.
Week One
This was the week for sketching, coloring picking and getting our all initial ideas.

Week Two
At this point we had to make a mockups of how some of our ideas for certain aspects would look.
As well as refine what we have made and submit a proposal for a digital version of the campaign.

Week Three
Further refinements and the beginnings of working on the digital campaign aspect.
We finalized our 2D, 3D pieces and removed what wasn't working and added what was needed.

Week Four
At this point we are finalizing the digital pieces and now working on our book that explained and displayed the
meaning and the parts of our campaigns. This involved finishing the campaign pieces writing copy and coming up with a book design to properly display the campaign.

Final Versions
2D, 3D, 4D pieces of the campaign.
All these object are meant to be utilized in a pet store/pet adoption locations.
The GIFS are meant to be online advertisements for pet care awareness and to encourage learning